Hello, we are ONIC DREAM!

Our website is intricately designed, drawing inspiration from the iconic anime/manga series, Death Note. The dark, mysterious aura of Death Note permeates the site's aesthetic, creating an immersive experience reminiscent of the show's enigmatic atmosphere while the influence of Death Note adds a unique and captivating touch, the website offers a comprehensive collection of resources, spanning various anime genres and themes.

From in-depth analyses to character insights, we provide a wealth of knowledge and entertainment for fans, ensuring a fulfilling experience beyond the Death Note universe.

Join us on this journey where the world of anime and manga unfolds in all its diverse glory.


Project Manager

Calamaya, Jovy T.

The Project Manager

Content Writer and Editor

Gergio, Vaughn Domini P.

The Content Writer and Editor

Web Developer

OriƱo, Jerome T.

The Web Developer

Data Analyst

Clanza, Jendro F.

The Data Analyst